Missing joy rides

I can’t seem to write anything decently exciting. It comes with age, maybe.

When I was a bit younger, sparkle sprawl around my blog posts. College days. Those were the days – random flirtations, alcohol and nicotine on a school night, and everything morally-depraved. I was living my teenage dream. I was having my joy ride.

Next thing, law school happened. When I was studying legal ethics last year, my perspective changed. There are a lot of restrictions that come from being a member of the bar. Good moral character is not just a condition sine qua non, it is a continuing requirement.

It dawned to me, the teenage joy ride has already come to a halt. It’s time to be a grown-up.

But do not expect too much. Change does not happen overnight. I will get there someday. Compare a mango that ripens in the nature’s ways and the one chemically induced. The former tastes better than the latter. Corollarily, when I grow up, I don’t want to regret that I came there too early.

I still long for a night-out where I could sip a drink and dance with friends, or some discreet one night stand. I didn’t say growing up means doing away with every trace of fun. It is normal to take a breather and unwind after a long week. There is but a limitation, it should all be in moderation.

For now, I am quite contended with just having coffee or dinner and sharing a laugh. Anent maturity, life’s joys should be simpler and less complicated. As Jessie J says, it is not about price tag. Or as JoJo puts it, we don’t have to go nowhere (baby it’s you).

This should be fun, for now – waiting for law school to change me and reaping the sown later on. Let’s see. 🙂

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